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Solutions 3E Pre-Intermediate Classroom Presentation Tool- REDUCERE 30%
Data livrare: 18-03-2025
- Level:Pre-Intermediate
- Language Level: Pre-Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate
With 100% new content, the third edition of Oxford's best-selling secondary course offers the tried and trusted Solutions methodology alongside fresh and diverse material that will spark your students' interest and drive them to succeed.
Deliver heads-up lessons with the Classroom Presentation Tool, a resource providing our high-quality course content on screen with an extensive range of digital features.
Featuring interactive activities that fill the screen, Classroom Presentation Tool encourages all students to participate and feel involved in the lesson, boosting engagement and motivation.
For the teacher, it's easier than ever to run smooth lessons with the tool's extensive digital capabilities, including embedded audio and video, answer keys that reveal answers one-by-one or all at once, and in-built annotation tools.
Key features:
- Student's book and Workbook both accessible on screen.
- Culture videos to support Culture Bank lessons, plus accompanying worksheets.
- Optional lesson openers. Lead-in activities to motivate students and revisit language.
- Optional lesson closers. Short quiz-style round-up activities to consolidate students' learning.
- Optional task support - for example, useful language or extra ideas to help students complete classroom tasks.
- Embedded answer keys and audio.