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Solutions 3E Intermediate Student's Book and Online Practice Pack
În stoc
Data livrare: 31-03-2025
Preț special
178,70 Lei
Preț standard
198,55 Lei
- Level:Intermediate
- Language Level: Pre-Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate
The Student's Book and Online Practice can be used alongside each other to keep students of all abilities fully engaged and motivated.
The Solutions Student's Book is packed full of interesting content. Each unit consists of eight lessons, all of which focus on a particular skill, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking, and writing.
The Online Practice component of Solutions offers an array of digital resources; videos, vlogs and interactive elements in order to bring the topics to life. Students can gain instant feedback and marking in order to track their progress and can use the online element in the classroom or on the move.
Key features:
- Student Book: Specific listening and word skills lessons, to help develop well-rounded, confident communicators.
- Student Book: Additional resources, including exam skills trainer sections and extra speaking practice help consolidate what students have covered in the lessons.
- Student Book: Exam skills trainer sections prepare students for typical school-leaving/Cambridge tasks, and provide them with the language, strategies, and exam skills they need to achieve success.
- Student Book: Culture Bank includes 9 ready-to-use culture lessons linked to the topic and language of the main units, providing extra reading and listening practice.
- Online Practice: A particular focus on more in-depth practice of grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.
- Online Practice: Media-rich content (vox pops, vlogs, grammar animations) with interesting and engaging topics and texts.
- Online Practice: Automatic marking with instant feedback, and progress tracked in the gradebook to save time.
- Online Practice: Content aligned to the CEFR and the Solutions syllabus which complements and extends the contents of the book.