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Show and Tell 2E Level 1 Numeracy Book
Language Level: Pre-school / Kindergarten Pre - A1
The 2nd edition of Show and Tell builds on its tried and tested methodology, developing 21st Century Skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity, to prepare students for future success both inside and outside the classroom.
The enhanced Show and Tell Numeracy Book develops numeracy skills, combining counting and writing activities, with engaging puzzles and fun activities.
Use alongside the Student Book to teach the core areas of pre-school mathematics, equipping students with the skills they need for Primary school.
Key features:
- The Numeracy Book now supports Show and Tell from level 1 with a revised syllabus for level 2 and 3.
- The Numeracy Book covers the main areas of pre-school math progressively, with inbuilt recycling so learners repeat what they have learned.
- The syllabus includes: number sense and operations, patterns, functions and algebra, geometry and measurement.
- Suggestions for when to use the Numeracy Book are referenced at the bottom of the Student Book page, but this is flexible and can be used according to time and needs of the students.