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Q Skills for Success Intro Reading & Writing SB with iQ Online
Acest produs este disponibil doar la comandă
Durată livrare: 3-4 săptămâni
Preț special
155,70 Lei
Preț standard
173,00 Lei
Language Level: A1
Q: Skills for Success, Second Edition is a six-level paired skills series that helps students to think critically and succeed academically.
With new note-taking skills, an extended writing syllabus and authentic video in every unit, Q Second Edition equips students for academic success better than ever.
Q Second Edition helps students to measure their progress, with clearly stated unit objectives that motivate students to achieve their language learning goals.
And the online content, seamlessly integrated into the Student Book, allows teachers to truly implement blended learning into the classroom.
Key features:
- Question-centered approach encourages students to think critically
- Progress bar and clearly stated unit objectives motivate students to achieve their language learning goals
- Video in every unit provides an engaging springboard for students to think critically
- Note-taking skills and an extended writing syllabus develop essential skills for academic success
- Enhanced listening and reading comprehension activities provide greater scaffolding and help prepare students to use higher level study skills
- Research-based vocabulary program ensures that students learn the most relevant words for academic and professional life
- iQ Online is integrated with the Student Book content to extend learning in and out of the classroom
- Achievement badges keep students focused and motivated working online
- Auto-graded tests provide instant feedback and save teachers time
- iTools Online increases student engagement and reduces class prep time
- e-Book versions of the Student Book with interactive features designed for language learning