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Project 4E Upgraded Level 5 Student Book with Online Practice
Data livrare: 31-03-2025
- Level:Level 5
- Language Level: A2+ / B1
Project Fourth Edition Upgraded brings new energy to the proven Project methodology. With its analytical approach to grammar and clear vocabulary syllabus, this edition retains much of the content popular with students and trusted by teachers.
With the Student Book with Online Practice, learners use the Student Book to participate in class, and access Online Practice for learning outside of class. Ideal for students who need to use print books in the classroom. Online Practice supports learning by providing additional interactive activities for grammar, vocabulary, and skills work. Student Book with Online Practice includes access to Online Practice activities and Student Resources including new 360° interactive images, video, audio and wordlists.
All digital course materials and resources are accessed via the Oxford English Hub - a launchpad for learning: www.oxfordenglishhub.com.
This pack includes:
- Student Book (print)
- Online Practice (Students -2 years' access)
- Student Resources (2 years' access)
- Project methodology approach to grammar with varied practice and clear vocabulary syllabus, now includes added focus on digital and global skills.
- NEW 360˚ Culture lessons with interactive images transport students to new cultures and help them to develop global skills and connect with life in other countries.
- NEW animated grammar videos provide realistic language models, and support for learners of all abilities.
- NEW Project Coach videos give tips for project work and facilitate learner progress.
- Enhanced support materials and tests for teaching mixed-ability classes enable supported learning for all students.
- Improved digital experience on Oxford English Hub support both hybrid and blended options.