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Playtime B: English Teacher's Book
Acest produs este disponibil doar la comandă
Durată livrare: 3-4 săptămâni
Preț special
81,90 Lei
Preț standard
91,00 Lei
The fun, new three-level British English course with fully integrated DVD motivating pre-schoolers to learn through memorable stories and songs.
This great new series focuses on the real-life pre-school environment, a familiar setting for little ones to start learning English through other subjects.
Monkey (the puppet) starts every lesson in a fun way and the children's enthusiasm for English builds from the beginning.
Through easy-to-follow classroom routines for each lesson, children also learn to develop good habits and good behaviour.
Playtime's lively stories present natural language in familiar contexts - using integrated DVD as well.
• Comprehensive 176pp guide to using all the resources for Playtime at this level.
• Clear teaching notes and lesson plans for each unit
• Clear teaching notes and lesson plans for each optional Workbook unit
• Extension activities and fast finisher activities
• Reinforcement lessons
• Games bank - ideas for general games and using posters, flashcards and monkey puppet
• Word list
• Will also be available in Spanish and Czech languages
This great new series focuses on the real-life pre-school environment, a familiar setting for little ones to start learning English through other subjects.
Monkey (the puppet) starts every lesson in a fun way and the children's enthusiasm for English builds from the beginning.
Through easy-to-follow classroom routines for each lesson, children also learn to develop good habits and good behaviour.
Playtime's lively stories present natural language in familiar contexts - using integrated DVD as well.
• Comprehensive 176pp guide to using all the resources for Playtime at this level.
• Clear teaching notes and lesson plans for each unit
• Clear teaching notes and lesson plans for each optional Workbook unit
• Extension activities and fast finisher activities
• Reinforcement lessons
• Games bank - ideas for general games and using posters, flashcards and monkey puppet
• Word list
• Will also be available in Spanish and Czech languages