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Oxford Wordpower Dictionary English-English-Turkish
Data livrare: 09-01-2025
A new semi-bilingual dictionary designed for Turkish-speaking learners of English
With English definitions and Turkish translations, the Oxford Wordpower Dictionary English-English-Turkish gives intermediate Turkish-speaking learners of English all the words they need, together with plentiful guidance on how to build their vocabulary.
The Oxford Wordpower Dictionary English-English-Turkish builds vocabulary and helps students pronounce and use words correctly.
Words are explained clearly, in English, with examples of how they are used. Each meaning of every word is translated into Turkish.
Students can look up words on the CD-ROM in either English or Turkish, hear spoken pronunciation of all the headwords and some examples, extend their vocabulary with exercises and games, take two free online practice tests on www.oxfordenglishtesting.com, explore the information in a dictionary entry with iGuide (an interactive tutorial), look up words online or in Word documents using the Genie, and learn more from the Extras.
Key features:
- 35,000 words and phrases from British and American English, and 52,000 translations
- Oxford 3000 keyword entries show students the most important words to know in English
- Over 37,000 examples show how words are used, and words that are used together
- Pronunciation, with American variants
- More than 5,500 usage notes on grammar, culture, and difficult or confusing words and phrases
- Extras are study pages which include Expressions using Numbers, Geographical Names, an irregular verbs table, and Some Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Students can search the CD-ROM in English or Turkish
- The CD-ROM includes the full text of the dictionary, pronunciation of all the English headwords, hundreds of illustrations, exercises, games, Extras, the Genie instant look-up facility, a link to two free online practice tests (Cambridge English: Preliminary and First) at www.oxfordenglishtesting.com, a Topic Dictionary to view words in topic sets, and iGuide, an interactive tutorial to help students explore the information in a dictionary entry