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Oxford Discover Futures Level 2 Student Book
În stoc
Data livrare: 29-03-2025
Preț special
118,41 Lei
Preț standard
131,57 Lei
Language Level: B1
The Student Book is packed full of interesting and thought-provoking content to keep students of all abilities fully engaged and motivated.
Each unit presents students with a unit question, and five lesson questions, encouraging students to examine the world more critically within an inquiry-based learning environment. The Student Book also includes Vocabulary and Grammar reference and practice, Project lessons, Literature lessons, and a Writing workshop.
Key features:
- Inquiry-based methodology equips learners with 21st Century Skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity.
- Integrated videos at the start and end of every unit lead discussion and debate.
- Language in use lessons and skills strategies improve fluency and all four skills.
- Life skills lessons develop transferable skills for lifelong learning.
- Project lessons enable students to present cross-curricular topics in English.
- Literature lessons introduce diverse literary genres.
- Writing Workshops help students to refine their academic writing skills.
- With Online Practice, students can do extra activities and check their progress with instant feedback. They can access and download all class videos and Workbook audio.