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Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English 2E
Acest produs este disponibil doar la comandă
Durată livrare: 3-4 săptămâni
Preț special
193,74 Lei
Preț standard
215,27 Lei
The Oxford Collocations Dictionary shows which words work together. It helps students express their ideas naturally and convincingly and it is particularly useful for academic and report writing.
With the Oxford Collocations Dictionary, students learn the most frequently used word combinations in British and American English. The dictionary also guides them to the right combination for their context. The two-year app access includes the complete dictionary.
This pack includes:
- Print book
- App
Key features:
- 250,000 word combinations for 9000 nouns, verbs and adjectives.
- 75,000 examples showing how collocations are used.
- 25 usage notes on collocations shared by words such as seasons, currencies, and language.
- Pop-up definition and spoken pronunciation for every word in the dictionary in the app.