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Little Friends: Student Book
Little Friends is a course for very young children who do not read or write. It develops vocabulary, introduces phonics, and teaches numbers. Testing done.
Little Friends helps you to make learning English simple and fun for very young learners.
The engaging characters and enjoyable, age-appropriate activities create a positive learning environment where students can develop vocabulary skills, learn English sounds through phonics, discover the numbers 1–10, and practise pre-reading and pre-writing skills.
Little Friends is the starter level for First Friends but can be used on its own as a one-level course.
• Values taught through stories in a family setting
• Lots of tracing practice to develop pre-writing skills
• Numeracy syllabus teaches numbers 1–10
• Specially designed phonics programme to introduce English sounds
• Clear lesson objectives and one page per lesson
• Extra photocopiable material in the Teacher’s Book with additional vocabulary, phonics and numbers activities so students can show parents
• Review spread every two units
Little Friends helps you to make learning English simple and fun for very young learners.
The engaging characters and enjoyable, age-appropriate activities create a positive learning environment where students can develop vocabulary skills, learn English sounds through phonics, discover the numbers 1–10, and practise pre-reading and pre-writing skills.
Little Friends is the starter level for First Friends but can be used on its own as a one-level course.
• Values taught through stories in a family setting
• Lots of tracing practice to develop pre-writing skills
• Numeracy syllabus teaches numbers 1–10
• Specially designed phonics programme to introduce English sounds
• Clear lesson objectives and one page per lesson
• Extra photocopiable material in the Teacher’s Book with additional vocabulary, phonics and numbers activities so students can show parents
• Review spread every two units