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Little Blue Dot Level 1 Teacher's Guide with Digital Pack
Data livrare: 16-03-2025
- Level:Level 1
- Language Level: Beginner (Pre-A1)
Little Blue Dot is an innovative, three-level course for very young learners. Through its unique learning with concepts methodology, it explores big ideas to develop language, communication, and cognitive skills.
Teach. Practice. Track. The Print Teacher's Guide with Digital Pack gives you everything you need to create flexible lessons that work for your students. Includes: Access to Lingokids™ app: Encourage students to practice English outside of class.
Classroom Presentation Tools: Bring your coursebook to life in the classroom. Course assessment: Evaluation grids, unit checks and diagnostic progress checks, all available as downloadable PDFs. Professional development: Methodology support, bite-sized training and more to maximize your teaching.
Teacher resources: Course audio and video, extra songs bank, downloadable photocopiables, wordlists.
This pack includes:
- Teacher's Guide (print - 4 years' access)
- Classroom Presentation Tools (4 years' access)
- Teacher Resources (4 years' access)
Key features:
- Unique Learning with Concepts methodology encourages learners to draw connections between the different things they learn and experience.
- Lingokids™ home learning app extends students' contact with English beyond the classroom.
- Module projects connect learning to real global issues, with reference to the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Values lessons and stories nurture a sense of global citizenship and responsibility.
- ‘Reading for pleasure' stories engage students' imagination and provide opportunities to foster personal growth and emotional well-being.
- Numeracy and Literacy lessons and complementary books support and extend children's range of mathematical and literacy skills.
- Classroom Presentation Tools bring your coursebook to life in the classroom.
- E-books bring the course to life with extra digital features to engage students and enhance their learning experience.