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Life Vision Intermediate Plus Teacher's Guide with Digital Pack
Data livrare: 02-04-2025
- Level:Intermediate Plus
- Language Level: B1+
Life Vision helps students gain the language and skills they need to work out where they want to go next, and how exam success will help them take advantage of the global opportunities that proficiency in English brings.
Teach. Practice. Track. Assess. The Teacher's Guide with Digital Pack give you everything you need to create flexible lessons that work for your students.
Life Vision includes an Assessment for Learning approach in the teaching notes, workbook review lessons and tests to enable teachers to give informal assessment and effective feedback, and to help learners to analyse and accelerate their progress.
Professional Development support helps you get started with Life Vision. Watch video tutorials to set up your course, access focus and position papers for expert advice and bite sized guidance on key issues and take short professional development modules for an introduction to key methodologies for your course. All your digital course materials and resources are accessed via the Oxford English Hub - a launchpad for learning: www.oxfordenglishhub.com.
This pack includes:
- Teacher's Guide (print)
- Classroom Presentation Tools (Student Book and Workbook - 4 years' access)
- Online Practice (Teachers - 4 years' access)
- Teacher Resources (4 years' access)
- Assessment (4 years' access)
Your Motivation: Expand teenagers' horizons by bringing the outside world in to your classroom.
- Explore the world with 360° Interactive images. Transport students to a real-world environment to develop digital literacy skills and put English into practice beyond the classroom.
- Three or four videos per unit (vlogs, documentaries and grammar animations) instantly engage students with the unit topic and language and reflect the way today's teenagers share experiences, thoughts and information.
- Topics are 'googlable', introducing learners to real issues that they want to find out more about.
- The vocabulary syllabus is based on the Oxford 3000™ and Oxford 5000™. This enables learners to focus on the most useful words to know at each CEFR level and acquire strategies for using them
- Online Practice motivates students to develop the language and skills they have learnt in each unit of the Student Book, and practise at home with interactive activities. Students can also download or stream all course audio and video, wherever they are.