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Learn English with Dora the Explorer 2: Student Book
Acest produs este disponibil doar la comandă
Durată livrare: 3-4 săptămâni
Take your students on a language-learning journey with activities, songs, and videos that will build confidence and develop the skills needed for primary school.
Teaching with Learn English with Dora the Explorer is fun and effortless with a flexible package of resources to support your classes.
Key features:
Inspire a love of learning and help develop problem-solving skills with much loved Nickelodeon characters who invite students to be a part of their adventure.
Build confidence in listening and speaking and promote a ‘can-do’ attitude towards learning English with songs, stories, projects, and plays that allow students to work together to solve quests.
Develop the reading, writing and print awareness skills needed for a seamless transition to primary school with the Phonics and Literacy strand.
Teach students the skills needed for exam success with preparation for the Cambridge English Qualification Pre-A1 Starter exam.
Show parents evidence of learning and support them to make a difference in their child’s learning journey with letters, fun home-learning activities in the Parent’s Guide, and the Reading Stars Graded Reader series.