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Jump In! Level B Class Audio CD
Jump In! is a three-level British-English pre-primary course with storytelling at its heart. Students join Frankie the frog on his adventures immersing themselves in a fun and imaginative context for learning. Its communicative approach gets students talking through play and teaches social and emotional skills alongside language.
Jump In! supports you with an easy-to-teach methodology, lots of additional resources and the Classroom Presentation Tool with on-screen Class Book for ‘heads-up learning’, and integrated audio, video, and answers.
Jump In! supports students outside of the classroom, with the Lingokids app offering a visual and hands-on way for children to continue their learning journey at home. With colourful and interactive games, videos, and songs, children can practise all the new language they have learnt at school in a fun and engaging fashion!
Key features:
Communicative approach gets students speaking.
Teaches social and emotional skills alongside language.
Catchy songs and enchanting stories make classes fun.
Easy-to-teach, supportive methodology.
Get the most out of your course with puppets, flashcards, story cards, posters and worksheets.
Lingokids home learning app extends students’ contact with English beyond the classroom through colourful and interactive games, videos, and songs.