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International Conference on Interdisciplinary Management of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications – INTERDIAB 2017 / Diabetes Mellitus in Internal Medicine
Association for Renal-Metabolic and Nutritional Studies organizes each year INTERDIAB: International Conference on Interdisciplinary Management of Diabetes and its complications.
INTERDIAB should be perceived as an information and presentation platform of existing trends in research in the field of interdisciplinary management of Diabetes Mellitus and a form of countless possibilities of cooperation between medical specialties in order to offer new solutions to old problems.
INTERDIAB has its doors open to whoever sees in research and innovation the only way to develop and progress. The international attendance is a sign of the major interest interdisciplinarity in the study of diabetes raises. It is a recognition of the quality of romanian medical research, but also of the efforts ASRMN made to combine, link and discuss these works.