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Inter Express Upper-Intermediate Class Audio CDs- REDUCERE 50%
International Express combines general English with business situations, giving students the social and functional English they need to work, travel, and socialize.
This course is specifically designed for adult professional learners who need English for work, and for communication in out-of-work functional contexts, such as travel or socializing.
The balance of general and business English is suitable for those who need to interact in a variety of situations both in and out of the workplace.
The NEW video footage on the Student's DVD-ROM and Teacher's DVD brings the outside world into the classroom, and provides additional speaking and listening practice.
- Functional language ready for immediate use
- Balance of general and business English that is more directly relevant to adult professionals
- NEW video footage with every level to improve students' listening and speaking skills
- Student-centred approach, mature lifestyle topics, and authentic international contexts to reflect the real needs and interests of working adults
- Regular review units and self-study options in the Workbook and handy Pocket Book