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Insight Advanced Workbook and Online Practice
Language Level: Advanced (C1)
The insight Workbook supports the lessons in the Student's Book with extra exercises for every lesson, a unit-by-unit wordlist with dictionary-style definitions, and a grammar reference and practice section which is linked to the grammar lessons in the Student's book.
The Workbook also contains optional extra lessons and activities in the form of the Literature insight bank which contains a series of lessons which will introduce your students to classic pieces of English Literature. The Exam insight sections offer preparation and practice for school leaving exams. The Workbook also contains a twenty page grammar and reference section that contains comprehensive grammar explanations and further practice.
The inclusion of Online Practice with the Workbook allows students to access additional homework activities that are automatically marked and can be easily tracked online so you spend less time marking. Integrated video and audio, unlimited practice on activities and the ability to check the correct answers will enhance your students' independent learning.
Key features:
- The Workbook closely matches the Student's Book layout
- Listening tracks available to download from the insight Student's site
- Literature insight offers additional lesson material to introduce students to classic pieces of English literature
- The Grammar Reference sections provide extra support and practice of the grammar from the Student's Book
- A unit-by-unit wordlist with dictionary style definitions gives students more information about core vocabulary
- The Online Practice option allows you to assign homework to be done online, and track your students' progress
- Over 200 activities for students to practise vocabulary, grammar and skills, with new audio for the listening tasks
- Speak and record practice and writing tasks that students submit to teacher give more opportunities to practise these important skills away from the classroom
- Video, audio, wordlists, language bank and grammar references are all integrated with the activities so everything is easily accessible and in one place
- Instant feedback on answers and unlimited attempts on activities encourages autonomous learning
- The access code for Online Practice is on a card provided with the Workbook