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Get ready for Flyers: Teacher's Book and Classroom Presentation Tool
Acest produs este disponibil doar la comandă
Durată livrare: 3-4 săptămâni
Preț special
96,03 Lei
Preț standard
106,70 Lei
Language Level: Elementary (A2)
The Get ready for... Teacher's Book contains clear and concise teaching notes, extra teach-off-the-page activities, and ideas for games which require little preparation. It also includes tips and advice on how to teach exam preparation support for teachers who may be unfamiliar or less confident with teaching for exams.
Also included with the Teacher's Book is an access code for the Classroom Presentation Tool, a tool which shows the Student's Book on screen with embedded audio.
Key features:
- Clear and concise teaching notes
- Extra teach-off-the-page activities and ideas for games
- Tips and advice on how to teach exam preparation content
- Access code for the Classroom Presentation Tool, showing the Student Book on screen with embedded audio