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FAIMA Business & Management Journal – volume 6, issue 4, December 2018
FAIMA Vol 6 - Issue 4 [December 2018]
Perception and Reality 3
Cezar Scarlat
Dynamic Capabilities as Innovation Sources 5
Katia Vladova
Perception of Risk Management 13
Titu-Marius Băjenescu
Significance of Quality Principles 28
Hassane Bouaouine, Safia Zouhir
Stress in the Academic Environment 35
Loredana-Cristina Dascălu, Iuliana Grecu
Perception of the Organizations Reputation 42
Mariana Balica, Sorin Ionescu
A Novel Set of Metrics for the Clean Energy Deployment 55
Daniela Cristina Momete
Digital Marketing Tools Used by Companies 66
Olivia Doina Negoiţă, Anca Alexandra Purcărea,
Mirona Popescu, Andrei Niculescu, Cătălin Nicolae Coman
Perception and Reality
Perception is the way we all interpret our experience. It is a process of receiving, selecting, organizing, interpreting and reacting to stimuli. Having the right perception is a significant skill for any effective leadership. Perceptions of managers, leaders and employees shape the effectiveness of the working performance. The efforts of managers to protect and manage positive images, identities, or reputation of their organizations continue to be essential concerning today.
Perception has long been the object of study of psychologists, defining it as a subjective reflection in people’s consciousness of objects and phenomena in reality. People interpret the information, which then influences their behavior. The same event is interpreted differently by people or different categories of people.
By perception, man creates an image of reality. Perception can be individual or collective and reflects both natural aspects (visual, auditory, tactile, time, phenomenal probability, appearance, social status), but also organizational (as seen by the organization inside or outside). Psychologists have found that perception depends on the observer (his previous experiences, his motives, the emotions he has), but also the analyzed entity (the distinction from other entities, the value of the characteristics, the context in which the analysis is made).
Several studies have shown that managers pay more attention to information linked to threats than to those linked to opportunities and linked with the previous knowledge base. The individual cognitive style can affect preferences for information processing decision-making and consequently the result of their decisions. Younger managers struggle to balance the need for results with appropriate concern for the needs of others.
Individuals with less tolerance of ambiguity perceive ambiguous situations as threats. Ambiguous situations are totally new situations, complex situations with a large number of elements. Individual perceptions shape organizational behavior and consequently individual and organizational success. Thus, the managerial perception plays a significant role in the process of organizational adaption.
Perception is based on prior experience. Different managers will perceive the same thing in different ways. Selective attention refers to the fact that people give some messages priority and put others on hold. If a manager is pressed for time and has to immediately fill an order, then his perceptions will be influenced by these time constraints. Perceptions are influenced significantly by needs and desires managers see what they want to see. This distortion is related to needs and desires. Socially oriented individuals pay attention to interpersonal stimuli.
Managers are often faced with the task of changing their employee’s attitude in order to get them to work harder and achieve higher job performance. Managers’ ability to change employees’ attitudes depends partly on the situation, personality and time. The ability to look far forward is strengthened by the perspective that comes from the past. And the ability to leverage these strengths presents a big opportunity for higher productivity.
The importance of managers’ perception, the perception of employees and all stakeholders has led to the emergence of perception management, a process through which human perception is influenced to change behavior. Initially, the management of perception was related to the psychological warfare, then to political propaganda, after which its importance was also seen in the economic environment. Perceptual management influences how entities are reflected or convinced of their ascendant. He creates emotions in order to change behavior in a way that is convenient to his initiators. Due to its effects lately, it is getting more and more attention.
Gheorghe Militaru
Deputy Chief Editor
Dynamic Capabilities as Innovation Sources
Katia Vladova
University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria
ABSTRACT: The paper aims to examine in detail the specifics of dynamic capabilities and their implications in the tourism industry in Bulgaria. Dynamic capabilities of organizations reveal organizational skills for achieving innovative forms of competitive advantages for sustaining competitive market positions. Innovations in tourism are needed for the future successful performance of organizations as the industry is showing extremely high growth during the last years. The main focus of the paper is the linkage between dynamic capabilities and innovations in tourism organizations in Bulgaria. The paper reveals in more detail the relationship between the term dynamic capabilities and the innovations in organizations. The paper is focused entirely on the tourism industry in Bulgaria as one of the promising and fast-growing sectors.
KEYWORDS: dynamic capabilities, innovations, organizations, tourism industry
Perception of Risk Management
Titu-Marius Băjenescu
La Conversion, Switzerland
ABSTRACT: The management of risk is central to the livelihood and success of all organizations. The spectacular technological advance and the increasing complexity of emerging socio-technical systems seem to be taking a step ahead of the available means of assessing the operational safety and, more particularly, those relating to the evaluation of the security of systems.
KEYWORDS: risk, hazard, risk identification, risk analysis, fuzzy logic
Significance of Quality Principles
Hassane Bouaouine, Safia Zouhir
School of Engineering, Mohammedia, Maroc
ABSTRACT: This document aims to present a bibliographic research of the various principles adopted for quality management in a medium or small company, that presents the largest part of economic industries all over the world, taking into account the characteristics of these special entities.
KEYWORDS: quality management, ISO 900: 2015, principle of management
Stress in the Academic Environment
Loredana-Cristina Dascălu, Iuliana Grecu
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
ABSTRACT: Student can be stressed due to different stressors such as academic, health, financial, lose a friend, etc. The case study presented in this article consists of three questionnaires meant to detect stress in people working in the academic environment. Stress in the academic situation can have both positive and negative consequences. According to Greenberge and Baroon (2000, stress is personal, physiological and emotional reactions against the stimulus. Stress has been associated with major life events and changes in life. Over the time, many of the studies conducted in the field of stress took have been targeting the academic environment: the students or even the entire staff. Stress is a common and inevitable component in the lives of every individual, regardless of race or cultural background (Newth, 2011). As per affirmation of (Pritchard, 1996), the student’s academic learning and performances can be affected by many factors such as gender, age, teaching staff, economic condition, family’s, accommodation, insufficient sleep, illness, job responsibility as a student, etc. The concept of stress still remains a subject that is open to debate, and other approaches will continue to exist.
KEYWORDS: stress, academic stress, stress and performance
Perception of the Organizations Reputation
Mariana Balica, Sorin Ionescu
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
ABSTRACT: Organizations need to acknowledge the necessity of adapting their activities to the change of the final consumer’s behaviour, as well as to the perception that the final consumers have towards the organization. The awareness of the stakeholders’ perception towards the reputation of the organization at a certain time is highly important. A good reputation in the marketplace where the activity is carried out will definitely lead to performance. The present paper analyzes the perception of some Romanian organizations. It uses the investigation as a method and the questionnaire as an instrument applied to some clients of foodservice companies. The purpose of the research was to identify the perception of some stakeholders towards the reputation of some Romanian companies, as well as to identify some solutions that would change the existing perception at a certain time.
KEYWORDS: reputation, climate, image
A Novel Set of Metrics for the Clean Energy Deployment
Daniela Cristina Momete
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to identify a novel set of metrics for a conceptual evaluation framework able to depict the performance of a country on the clean energy path. This implies the identification of a proper set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for clean energy deployment and is based on Romania’s example. The first part of the paper deals with the critical analysis of Romania’s fuel mix, and the country’s situation in the European context in terms of advancements in clean energy.
The second part of the paper identifies the most fitted KPIs to be used in order to depict a given country’s clean energy performance. The findings of this paper show that, despite real gains in European targets for clean energy, Romania has still to unlock its real potential in the clean energy field and has to take into consideration its technical sustainable progress. The conceptual evaluation framework introduced by this paper allows the identification of suitable levers for the transformation of the economies to cope with the clean energy requirements. The findings of this paper may be used by regulatory authorities and policymakers as support for more suitable and better-planned measures and policies essential for clean energy development.
KEYWORDS: clean energy, energy efficiency, energy policy, key performance indicators, renewables
Digital Marketing Tools Used by Companies
Olivia Doina Negoiţă (1), Anca Alexandra Purcărea (1), Mirona Popescu (1),
Andrei Niculescu (1), Cătălin Nicolae Coman (2)
(1) University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania, (2) VALAHIA University, Târgovişte
ABSTRACT: Digitization is becoming more and more present in business, not just changes in consumer behaviour, but the adoption of new technologies, tools and applications is highly disruptive, with immediate impact on the business of all companies. This study aims to find out the degree of use of digital marketing by companies in Bucharest Romania. A questionnaire was produced and distributed to those responsible for marketing in the companies so that the results were conclusive. From the data extracted, it was possible to determine the most used methods for companies to promote and which of them contribute to the competitive advantage.
KEYWORDS: digital marketing tools, IT&C companies, social media channels