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English File 3E Pre-intermediate Class DVD- REDUCERE 40%
În stoc
Data livrare: 18-03-2025
Preț special
160,20 Lei
Preț standard
178,00 Lei
Language Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2 - B1)
Teaching hours: 80-120
This English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Class DVD contains all the video material to accompany the English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Student's Book.
Motivating and entertaining Practical English dramas teach high-frequency, everyday English, and enjoyable short documentary films extend the topics in the Student's Book. In-the-street interviews are filmed on location in New York, London and Oxford and give students the opportunity to watch and listen to real people using real English.
Key features:
- The videos provide a rich mix of authentic and engaging material and build confidence and motivation
- Video content is filmed especially for English File and focuses on natural spoken language
- Colloquial English interviews help students get used to listening to unscripted, authentic English and provides exposure to high-frequency colloquial phrases and idioms
- Street interviews with people in the UK and USA give students the opportunity to listen to and understand authentic, spontaneous language and helps them deal with different speeds and accents
- Enjoyable and informative short documentary films extend the topics in the Student's Book