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Business Result Pre-Intermediate Student's Book with DVD-ROM Pack- REDUCERE 30%
Data livrare: 29-03-2025
Business Result is a six-level business English course that gives students the communication skills they need for immediate use at work.
Business Result helps those who need to communicate better in English at work, by teaching a range of business communication skills.
The course features video clips for every unit, including documentary clips, authentic interviews and dramatized scenarios showcasing business communication skills.
The Interactive Workbook on the DVD-ROM is also available online. It enables you to offer blended or distance learning courses, and allows you to communicate with your students outside class.
The Skills for Business Studies companion can optionally be added to the Business Result package, and provides academic skills practice for Business Studies students. It is also available as a standalone title.
Key features
Practical, functional language presented and practised in a work-related context.
Real-world case studies offer authentic and engaging insights into key business issues.
Commentary on each case study (except Starter level) from the Cranfield School of Management.
Support and flexibility across all six levels from the Student's Interactive Workbook, and the Teacher's DVD.
Additional writing and reading materials available on the Business Result Teacher's Site.
The Online Workbook gives teachers the tools to track student progress, provide more personalized learning and communicate with students outside class.