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Business Result 2E Advanced Student's Book with Online Practice
Data livrare: 31-03-2025
Language Level: Advanced (C1-C2)
Business Result Second Edition offers business professionals more communication and language practice than ever before, helping students develop relevant communication skills they can use immediately in the workplace.
For business professionals looking to advance their careers through improving their English, Business Result Second Edition is a practical Business English course that focuses on real, relevant communication skills they can immediately use in the workplace.
The easy-to-use, flexible and adaptable materials with comprehensive support and guidance from the Teacher's Book allow teachers to tailor their lessons to the needs of their students with minimum effort.
With new Online Practice providing automatically-marked practice activities for self-study, video and audio to download or stream, and progress tracking for students and teachers.
Key features:
- NEW Talking Points get students talking about business concepts that are relevant to their work
- NEW Viewpoints integrate video into the lesson to bring business English to life
- NEW Language Points provide explicit grammar explanations applied in a business context
- EXTENDED Practically Speaking sections help students put language to use immediately
- NEW video and audio available to stream and download at home or in class
- IMPROVED modular structure allows you to choose the most relevant lessons for your students
- NEW automatically-marked Online Practice activities with instant answers provide extra practice of new language learnt in class - ideal for self study
- NEW Online Practice enables progress tracking for teachers and students